ISBN of 3-86582-289-4 - thrillers over the international terrorism, € 17,50


At the end of 1975 an assassination is attempted to the Palestinian Abu Amir during a fashion show in the hotel in Abu Dhabi. Was it the power struggle between the individual rivalling groups within the PLO or an attack of the Israeli secret service Mossad? Few weeks later, on 18 January 1976 six persons are arrested in Nairobi, who wanted to shoot down an Israeli airplane with a Soviet SAM 7 rocket .It concerns three Palestinians, ne of them is the operation boss Abu Hannafeh who is on the black list of Mossad for a long time. After the attack on his life in Abu Dhabi in 1975 and his recovery, Abu Amir represents the PLO in Moscow under his civil name Mustafa el Kahtani. He is assigned on the Taleban by the Russian secret service FSB ( Federalnaja Slushba Bezopasnosti) and finally becomes a member of the planning staff of the El Qaida. Being involved in different terrorist attacks, he wants to be revenged now on Israeli for the catastrophic end of the operation in Kenya in 1975, for which his group was responsible. On 28 November 2002 therefore Abu Amir leads the terror attack prepared by him against a ARKIA airplane and the Israeli holiday resort “Paradise Hotel”. “Thereby the world hears the voice of the Palestinian refugees and the spotlight is focused on the Zionist terrorism in the West Jordan territory and in the Gaza Strip”. Two SAM 7 rockets are shot at an Israeli charter aircraft, which started from Mombasa. Nobody is injured during this terror attack, because the rockets do not reach the target like 27 years ago. Abu Amir will not survive the disgrace for the meaning of the second fail.